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Terms & Conditions

The new 360Show design is optimized for all browsers, including iPad/iPhone and Android devices

All featured hotels and venues will be highlighted with the new 360Show design on


How to Order

The prices for our photography services in the 360CityGuide project are reduced with around 50% compared with our old standard prices. This is possible due to a high level of standardization, high volume production and fixed prices.

With no need for negotiations in regards to prises, design, contract or project specifications the costs are limited to the actual production. Our experience from other projects is that much of our costs are directly related to negotiations and specification procedures. Our new pricing model with one single Large Volume Contract for all productions is a win-win opportunity for everyone.  

Anyone can use the same contract prices in the online order form. It is not limited to partners that actually will be highlighted on the 360CityGuide or 360GolfGuide website. The only condition is that the order is not valid until confirmed by us and we need a minimum of 5 production orders before we can allocate a photographer.

The minimum order is the "start package" with six 360-images. That package is usually sufficient for a small hotel, museum, restaurant or a charter & adventure operator.

Large hotels and resorts with many room types, restaurants, meeting rooms and recreation areas usually want as many 360-images as possible to make the property full justice .

Extra images are very affordable if ordered at the same time. Extra images can be a mix of 360-images and high resolution still images as the cost per image is the same.

All 360-images are produced as HDR images wherever possible/needed. HDR is produced by merging together several images with different exposure. This is useful if a window view is a key selling point as the window normally is overexposed and the view blocked. In all previous contracts we charge the double cost for HDR images but this is included in our new agreement at no extra charge.

We use our new web design format 360Show to highlight all featured partners on our 360CityGuide and 360GolfGuide websites. This is a web hosted service and there is no charge for selected partners.

The link to the free version of 360Show can be used by anyone at no cost but this version has links to our booking engine (Expedia). The link is easy to post on a website and perfect to send via email.

Clients not being featured on 360CityGuide will however have no 360Show production for free. We only invest money in 360 Show productions we need for our websites. 

3 versions of 360Show are available:

360Show is a web hosted service and a simple link is all that is needed to go live. This is easy to use on your own website and easy to add links via email to all your clients and partners. The annual fee is only 600 USD and includes 4 hours administration and updates per year.

Our clients only pay for one version and one annual fee per venue; clients with a paid version can also get an additional version at no extra charge for use via City Tourist & Convention Bureaus as the extra design work needed is included in the annual fee.

Terms & Condition

Short version, for full version please use the PDF in the right column.

Submitted orders are not legally binding until confirmed by us. We confirm the orders as soon as we have a minimum of 5 orders that can be produced at the same time.

Our project management team contacts each client in order to coordinate the photo shoot and agree about a date for production. As soon as this date is confirmed the order is legally binding and can not be cancelled.

We charge a 50% deposit of the order sum at confirmation date and the remaining 50% at shipment date when the images are posted. Shipment is performed via online service, usually DropBox.

All prices are in US dollars, without VAT or local taxes. These taxes will be added accordingly.

The prices are "all inclusive", including everything such as air fare, travel costs, insurance, equipment, photography and post production.

If a client production should not be possible to coordinate at a suitable time, the client has the option to go ahead with an individual production and pay for airfare and travel costs.

Hotel clients will provide free accommodation, free food & beverage as well as free Internet access for the production team.

The client will be responsible for the preparation of every room to be produced according to the "shoot list". The room must be prepared and ready for the photographer as they are instructed not to change anything in a room. A shoot list template is available in the right column. The shoot list must be sent to our project management team before the arrival of the photographer.

No models are allowed and client staff and guests will be avoided in the images. All photography is done in natural light and no special lights are needed.

The 360-images will be shipped in several different formats to suit most common standards. High resolution still images will be shipped in jpeg.

All produced images are the property of 360WorldGuide who owns all legal rights. After full payment the client have the right to use the images wherever and forever without any extra charges. No images can however be published until full payment is done.

360-images will be automatically loaded on Expedia if required, under condition that the client is an ESR partner. We have a contract with Expedia and our images are approved by them. Indicate on the shoot list what images to be loaded on Expedia. Expedia have the right to remove any, or all, of the images at any time at their own discretion.  

Please place your preliminary order...

Fixed and All Inclusive Prices for All Clients

Preliminary Order